Berlin International Wine Competition Is Open For Submissions!
We are excited to announce that the Berlin International Wine Competition (BIWC) will be held March 1-2nd 2015 in the heart of Berlin at the Hotel Kempinski. The BIWC is the only international wine competition in Europe where all the judges are real trade buyers judging the wine by its category and actual price.
The trade buyer judges will be primarily based in Western Europe and know what consumers want to drink and at what price!
Unlike other competitions where over 84% of those who submit win a medal…on average less than 50% of those who submit to our international competitions around the world win a medal.
The competition is open to all commercially available wines from around the world. You do not have be imported or sold in Europe to be in the competition. Again open to all commercially sold wines.
New For 2015
-The BIWC will be adding additional categories this year. Stay Tuned
-The BIWC is partnering with JF Hillebrand to offer special freight programs to Europe from the USA!
Please contact us with any additional questions
Adam Levy
v +4932221094693
USA Mobile 12017477111